Million Dollar AM Ritual

Here are 5 easy ways to start your million dollar morning ritual and get you creating the success you’ve been dreaming about. 

Ready to skyrocket your life?


A mini-version curated for the super-woman short on time. Let’s go!

1. Join the “Club”

One of the habits of highly successful people is starting off the day with a bang. And for the past 15-20 years, I’ve been a faithful member of the five o’clock club. 

Now, you may have seen the stuff on social media that says, “Oh, forget the five o’clock club! You can sleep till noon and still be successful.” 

Yo, that is…baloney. 

Here’s why. 

If you want to achieve impact and make change in the world you are co-creating, then you have to live with order, systems and―most importantly―with a routine that not only transforms your mindset, but actually repositions your entire body emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally for success. 

You want to start with the end in mind. And start as you intend to proceed, because the way you do anything in life is the way you do everything in life. 

2. Switch to Growth Mode

If I’m in maintenance mode, I wake up at 5 am. 

But, if I am in growth mode, I wake up even earlier. 

At 4am. 

Yes, I am absolutely sane right now.

There’s something ridiculously empowering about getting up before the rest of the world. 

During this extra power hour, you’ll be able to get the quiet time to focus when nobody else is awake to bother you. For me, that time is used for creating content, connecting with my international teams on multiple different time zones, or mapping out strategy. 

In growth mode, I typically need that extra hour per day to pull it all off. 

Your million dollar morning routine also means you’ve got to go to bed at a reasonable hour (which we’ve talked about many times in our vlog.) Back when I was building my business as an entrepreneur, I created my first million dollar income by burning the midnight oil.

And it was exhausting!

I learned―the hard way―this is not sustainable.

To be in true growth mode, you cannot burn the candle at both ends. Set aside that extra hour or two in the evening to get the rest your body needs to wake up to even bigger dreams in the morning. 

3. Start with Gratitude

Before your feet even hit the bedroom floor, focus on gratitude. 

Take a few minutes going through every single thing in your life you can possibly be grateful for. Little things like the pillow behind your head or the dark, quiet room. And big things like family, the roof over your head, successes, and victories. 


Gratitude creates an electromagnetic energy that not only acknowledges what you’ve already received, but allows you to create an energetic alignment with the things you want to draw into your world.

This sets the stage for everything else to come. 

4. Turn Up Your ESPM (not ESPN)

Emotional. Spiritual. Physical. Mental. 

During this hour, I take care of all four parts of my being in an integrated way. 


It can be 30-60 minutes of high impact cardio, or if it’s not too hot in Phoenix, a long run outside. Otherwise, I’m on the treadmill or the elliptical trainer. (I keep my resistance and my stretching exercises for later in the day.)

While I’m at it, I also fuel my mind and soul in order to maximize my time. Like listening to an amazing podcast or Facebook Live, rehashing old favorite recordings that pump me up…anything to get my mind in the right place. 

Sometimes, I just do my own meditations, affirmations and visualizations, literally speaking them out loud into the universe, while doing my cardio. 

5. Eat the Good Stuff

This brings me to 6 or 7 am, when I make my million dollar morning smoothie (and smoothies for the rest of my family), popping them in the fridge before getting in some soul nourishment with my morning prayer and daily spiritual studies. 

By the time my family is up, I’m already ON FIRE!

Ready. To. Tackle. Anything.

Now for the Mini-Version―aka what you just scrolled down for 😉

The 4 am club all started when I became a mom.

It had nothing to do with science or body chemistry ― everything I know now. The only reason I started is because my son was born. And I knew if I didn’t get a solid sleep schedule for him, I’d never be able to create all the other things I wanted for my life.

Once I got that schedule down, I began my 4am routine, so no matter what happened after he got up at 8am, I already had half a day under my belt. These four hours were my precious hours of silence, setting me up for an amazing and successful day. 

Today, they are literally my superhuman hours. 

Don’t you deserve that, too?


Now remember, I am sharing this―specifically―for high achieving multi-passionate entrepreneurs and dream achievers looking for ways to step into championship status and create a life they love. I’m not speaking to mediocre minds looking to uphold the status quo and sustain baseline existence.

I am speaking specifically to YOU. 

Yes, you! Who is ready to rise above.

But everybody’s life has an ebb and flow. If you want to create your own mini-version of a million dollar routine because you’re pressed for time, this one’s for you! 

Let’s say you’re just getting started or are ready to upgrade your life, but you’re not in a place to rearrange and create four hours of extra time every morning. 

Totally understandable. 

No one goes from zero to hero overnight. But here’s the good news. You can follow the exact framework above with whatever amount of time you do have

For example, if you have an hour to start, begin with:

  • 15 minutes of focus work to get yourself prepared for the day’s tasks
  • 15 minutes of gratitude, affirmations, and visualizations
  • 15 minutes of aggressive cardio
  • 15 minutes of prayer and connection with your Creator


If you do that every day for a week, you will feel like a whole new woman. 

Do it every day for a month, and you will have a whole new energy in your life. 

Do it every day for a year, and you will change your entire world.

I’ve gone through phases where I slipped into reactionary mode and had to bring myself back on point. But every time I’ve wanted to elevate my life, this has been my go-to million dollar morning routine. 

Without fail. 

Once you have these four things under your belt, your champion status is set and sealed.

Nothing and no one can rob you of your power.

Looking for more?




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