I promised you a video today to recap my first week of going Cold Turkey on some new life policies. However, I'm not quite ready to make a video yet. I'm still living in the lesson too much to be…
Today is a follow-up from last week’s explanation of War Week: blocking out a set chunk of time to massively wage war on the mediocrity of your own life. After last week’s general explanation of the process, we’ve now made…
Welcome to our weekly Monday VLOG as part of our 90-Day Blitz!! Today's topic is one of the single most questions we can ask ourselves. Somehow, most of us totally overlook this, and sadly, most of us grow up with…
How many times have you heard these old clichés…“You can either keep paying your dues, or you can decide for it to be pay day.”…“It’s time to put up or shut up.”…“It’s time to fish or cut bait.”? Well,…