If you can’t, then you MUST!
If you can’t, then you must.
I first heard this quote from a body builder yogi named, Ben Pakulski. I never even knew there was such a thing as a body-building yogi, but what blew me away even more than his ability to combine two seemingly opposite practices, was his ability to push beyond the limitations of his ego to embrace a higher version of himself.
This line has since become part of an ongoing conversation at our house. It’s totally in alignment with our life themes, and I probably repeat it to myself at least half a dozen times daily.

- If you can’t start the day with 1000 jump ropes, then you must.
- If you can’t do a chin-up to save your life, then you must.
- If you can’t find time to exercise, then you must.
- If you can’t get to bed on time, then you must.
- If you can’t seem to get your schedule in order, then you must.
- If you can’t stop raising your voice at your kids, then you must.
- If you can’t stop the irritated tone of voice with your spouse, then you must.
- If you can’t get through the day without coffee or wine, then you must.
- If you can’t pay the bills, then you must.
- If you can’t find time to sit and think, then you must.
- If you can’t find (create) pure happiness amidst your circumstances, then you must.
- If you can’t stop making excuses for yourself, then you must.
- If you can’t find a way to love & forgive yourself, then you must.
- If you can’t be kind, then you must.
- If you can’t start a school system to change the world, then you must.
- If you can’t pick up the phone and make the scary call, then you must.
- If you can’t move past the hurt/anger/sadness/blame, then you must.
- If you can’t apologize, then you must.
- If you can’t swallow your pride, then you must.
- If you can’t start over, then you must.
- If you can’t hold your head up and smile, then you must.
- If you can’t create your dream life, then you must.
So, here is my question for you: what “can’t”are you living under today?
What limiting belief is holding you back?
It’s a known law of nature that a human will not ever outperform their belief systems.
You cannot outperform what you believe about yourself!
Are you familiar with the old saying:
If you think you can, you can.
And, if you think you can’t, you’re right.

Here is what I have come to understand over the past few years:
Human beings have an infinite capacity for growth.
What potential do you really have?
Do you even know what we’re truly capable of?
What would it look like to actually step into your ultimate potential?
Does it scare you silly? That’s normal!
You see, this might come as a shock to you, but
We ALL have the capability of being superhuman.
We might not be the star athlete, the celebrity performer, or the Nobel prize winner.
But we are all limitless in our capacity to:
- learn new skills
- completely transform our belief systems
- revolutionize our physique and our personality
- rise above our fears
- heal most of our own illnesses and chronic ailments
- push past the status quo
Check yourself. Did you just shut down at that statement? That would be your belief systems showing up to keep you stuck.
So, ask yourself. Do you want any part of your life to be different?
If so, then what are you waiting for?
It all starts with this conversation in the mind…
If you can’t, then you must.